Webmin y el Cliente UNIX/Linux de Veritas no se llevan bien.Paramos el segundo. Cambiamos puerto de escucha en el primerto en /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf.Et voilá!
[root@webmail ~]# nano /etc/VRTSralus/ralus.cfg
[root@webmail ~]# /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init stop
Stopping Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent
Stopping Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent: [ OK ]
[root@webmail ~]# rpm -iUvh webmin-1.420-1.noarch.rpm
Operating system is Redhat Enterprise LinuxWebmin install complete. You can now login to https://webmail.xxxxxxxx.local:10000/as root with your root password.
[root@webmail ~]# /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init start
Starting Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent ......
Starting Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent: [ OK ]
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